Welcome to Gold Coast Pilates at the Sanctuary Cove Country Club.
$20 New Member Offer On Your First Session
Somethings to note
Bookings are Essential ↓
Please create an account through MindBody or simply click ‘Book’ above. Once you have made an account will be able to book classes. Please note that Classes tend to fill out quickly so be sure to book your class ahead. If you need to cancel a class please log into your account and cancel it under ‘my schedule’. *Please note that all cancellations need to be 24 hours in advance.
I got wait-listed, what now? ↓
We understand you might be eager to get into the class booked however please note that we will not have the direct answer for you unless someone cancels their class. If you are the first-in-line on the waitlist then you will receive an automatic email at that point of time. *Please note that we are not responsible if you forget about your class booked and if you have not got in contact with us then it is considered a late cancel. Please email if you need any help.
What do I bring to a Reformer Pilates Class? ↓
When attending a Reformer Pilates Class at Gold Coast Pilates we require you to bring a pair of Grip Socks, a Water Bottle, and a Towel. If you do not own Grippy Socks then we sell SOCK-IT & CO.™ Grip Socks in the studio for $20.